Wordle + Name That Tune = Heardle

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Wordle + Name That Tune = Heardle

Wordle + Name That Tune = Heardle

The daily online puzzle game Wordle has taken the world by storm over the past year and spawned many clones: Worldle for geography buffs, Nerdle for mathletes and even Lewdle for dirty minds.

Now fans of pop music have a puzzle game of their own. Heardle takes the guessing structure of Wordle but instead asks you to name titles and artists of pop songs by listening to music snippets.

Heardle players listen to a short audio clip and get six chances to guess what song it is. In the first round, the clip only lasts one second, but more of the track is played each time you guess incorrectly (or skip past a round).


Heardle randomly pulls songs from Soundcloud's most-streamed tracks over the last decade.


In the final round, you get to hear a full 16 seconds of the song.

It's a lot like Name That Tune, though the system autocompletes artist names and songs as you type.


Heardle gives you six chances to name a song and artist, playing a longer clip of the track with each wrong guess.

Dan Avery/CNET

It helps if you're well versed in current pop music, as each Heardle is "randomly plucked" from a list of the songs most streamed on Soundcloud in the past decade, according to developer Omaske Studio.

You can play on your computer, phone or tablet but, like Wordle, it only saves your streak if you play on the same device each day. 

Have more-specific music tastes? There's Taylordle, where Swifties can guess at words relating to the Grammy-winning singer's oeuvre. (Spoiler: Saturday's word, "Coney," is from a song off Swift's 2020 album Evermore.)

And Weezle, where players get six tries to guess a five-letter word from Weezer's discography, lets fans of the alt rockers play along as well. Weezle plays you a nice musical clip of the daily Weezer song lyric if you get the answer right. 


